

MPHA is a private, non-profit, statewide membership organization that promotes a healthy Massachusetts through advocacy, education, community organizing, and coalition-building.

Who Are We

What is MPHA?

 The Massachusetts Public Health Association (MPHA) is a private, non-profit, statewide membership organization that promotes a healthy Massachusetts through advocacy, education, community organizing, and coalition-building. Our focus is on policies and programs that prevent illness, disease, and injury, particularly among those vulnerable to disparities in health status. MPHA was founded in 1879 and is a leading affiliate of the American Public Health Association.


The Massachusetts Public Health Association is the champion for public health in the Commonwealth. We are the catalyst for change, eliminating health inequities and creating healthy communities for all.


A Commonwealth where optimal health conditions exist for all.


  • Action – Advocating purposefully to solve problems and achieve measurable results
  • Collaboration – Achieving systematic change in public health by working together to leverage the resources, time, energy, and ideas of many
  • Commitment – Pursuing with tenacity strategic objectives that positively impact public health, both immediate and long-term
  • Equality and Social Justice – Working together with communities adversely affected by inequities and promoting policies that contribute to health equity
  • Truth – Being an honest and trusted leader in public health, basing decisions, advocacy, and programming on fact-based, scientific evidence

MPHA Prospectus

MPHA Prospectus 2015 

Strategic Plan

MPHA Strategic Plan: 2015 – 2017


Current MPHA Bylaws
