

Who We Are

For over 90 years, the Connecticut Public Health Association has been committed to improving the quality of the public health profession and advocating for policies and programs that promote health and prevent disease. Our members, representing a wide variety of disciplines, are united in the goal of protecting and promoting the public’s health. CPHA has invested its advocacy and education resources in key areas of public health such as Public Health Infrastructure, Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, Health Literacy, Universal Health Care, Environmental Health, and Disease Prevention. CPHA is continually growing to meet the state’s public health priorities as they change and evolve over time.

 This is accomplished through:

Professional Development and Education/Networking

  • Join public health professionals from across the state for meetings, panel discussions and workshops. Take advantage of numerous networking opportunities with your peers and expand your circle of professional contacts. Frequent educational workshops offer Continuing Health Education Specialists (CHES)

Public Health Advocacy

  • CPHA provides leadership in developing public health policies and advocacy campaigns in response to key public health issues at the local, state and federal levels of governments. CPHA also works with the business community to raise awareness of public health best practices. CPHA uses Convio, an advocacy software package that allows our membership to directly contact their state and U.S. legislators within moments, to advocate for specific pieces of legislation in a timely and efficient way.



  • Since 2007, CPHA’s Mentoring Organization Registry (MOR) has connected public health organizations with education institutions in order to prepare youth for community service, healthier lifestyles and careers in public health. To date, the MOR has 28 public health organizational members that offer exposure to public health concepts and careers through classroom presentations, curriculum development and workplace tours.



  • CPHA newsletters and news briefs provide information about public health locally and nationally. Featured articles include legislative updates, health education programs, and information on new programs and initiatives.



  • Receive recognition for your accomplishments by submitting articles to the newsletters, by serving on a CPHA committee, and by presenting at membership meetings.
