Veterinary Public Health

Veterinary Public Health

The Veterinary Public Health Special Primary Interest Group focuses on the interface of humans and animals; not just the diseases but the quality of life, health benefits and environmental health issues as well. We positively influence the human-animal connection and advance the One Health concept.

Our current focus areas are to offer stimulating educational programs and be APHA’s leaders on: food safety; the health benefits of animals; and climate change, both the effect animal agriculture may be having on the climate, as well as the effect a changing climate may have on animal agriculture.

2016 Annual Meeting and Expo

Monday, October 31, 2016 

  • 8:30 – 10 a.m.  Session 3067.0 Emerging and re-emerging diseases internationally and the One Health perspective (in collaboration with IH)
  • 10:30  – 11:30 a.m. Poster Session 3102.0 One Health: the intersection of human, animal, and environmental health
  • 12:30 – 2 p.m. Session 3272.0 Human-Animal Journeys: Disease and Climate Change
  • 2:30 – 4 p.m. Session 3377.0 One Health: Environmental impacts and zoonotic diseases
  • 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. Session 371.0 Veterinary Public Health SPIG business meeting

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

  • 8:30 – 10 a.m. Session 4053.0 Impact of Animal Interaction on Worker Health and Safety – OHS / VPH Collaboration (in collaboration with OHS)

Learn more about our sessions in the online program.

Contact Us

Chair & Program Planner – Tom Doker
Immediate Past Chair – Jee Chung
Secretary – Bill Courtney
Member-at-Large – Tom Gecewicz
Communications/Newsletter – Alexandra Schafer
Outreach – Hayley Yaglom
Policy – Catherine Machalaba
Web Editor – Venita Ramirez

Get Involved

If you have a specific interest or passion we encourage you to become involved as a member of our Policy Committee, Outreach Committee, or Communications Committee.

Are you short on time? We understand. You can also consider other ways to be more involved in our Section:

1.         Respond to an advocacy alert.

2.         Post field-related information or opportunities on your online community/listserv.

3.         Write an article for our Section’s News & Events page.

4.         Encourage a colleague to join APHA.

5.         Review abstracts.

The APHA Conference in 2014



This Session was devoted to Dr. James Steele. These videos were shown at the Session.

Photos of Presenters at the 2014 Session

