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Chiropractic Health Care
Who Are We
The Chiropractic Health Care Section of the APHA (APHA-CHC) was founded in 1995 and has maintained a critical role in public health issues such as wellness, health promotion and disease prevention in the context of chiropractic policies and practices.
Public health represents the efforts made by a society to protect, promote and restore health. Public health supports clean water, clean air and safe communities—certainly something all doctors of chiropractic already support. Public health also supports prevention and health promotion—and we certainly support that! Why should we go further than supporting public health in principle—and make the effort to join with our communities to actively support it? First, we can increase our impact on society by adding our skills and knowledge to those of the rest of the public health community; this is one of our main responsibilities as health care professionals. Second, we can help our individual patients even more by utilizing the extant information on prevention and health promotion. Third, we can help members of the public health community understand how chiropractic supports health and wellness.
Involvement in the APHA-CHC offers all the above benefits plus more.
We look forward to welcoming you to the APHA-CHC.
Description and Timeline
The APHA Chiropractic Health Care Section (CHC) celebrates its 23rd anniversary in 2018. Though the Section began in 1995, the story of its beginning goes back even further, as far back as 1969.
The CHC, multidisciplinary in nature, is the only section to date that carries the words “health” and “care” in its official name. Before the creation of an official section, chiropractic was active in APHA via the Chiropractic Forum, a special primary interest group (SPIG) chartered in 1983. At one time, before the formation of the Chiropractic Health Care section, the chiropractic SPIG had more than 500 members, making it the one of the largest special interest group in APHA history.
As one of APHA’s 29 member sections, serving both chiropractic and non-chiropractic members, the section has full equity and parity with the other professions in the association. Major goals of the CHC section include increasing chiropractic involvement in multidisciplinary public health team endeavors and educating doctors of chiropractic about public health programs and practices such as medical care, health administration and promotion, general well being and nutrition, and public health education.
CHC also serves as a vehicle for chiropractic participation in public health activities and works to enhance chiropractic communications, education and credibility on public health matters.
Join Us
Chiropractic has much to offer in the area of public health. If chiropractic is going to make a difference, we need your help. Consider joining us at the APHA annual conference.
“The APHA Annual Meeting & Exposition is the oldest and largest gathering of public health professionals in the world, attracting more than 13,000 national and international physicians, administrators, nurses, educators, researchers, epidemiologists, and related health specialists. APHA’s meeting program addresses current and emerging health science, policy, and practice issues in an effort to prevent disease and promote health.”
There are several ways you can participate:
1. Attend the conference to show support for chiropractic and the CHC presenters. For more information about the conference, please visit http://www.apha.org/meetings/AnnualMeeting/
3. Attend the CHC business meetings, where we discuss the future path that the CHC will take with chiropractic and public health.
4. Participate as a volunteer representative at the CHC booth. This helps to inform the thousands of APHA conference attendees about how chiropractic supports public health efforts.
Other reasons for attending the APHA annual meeting
1. Meet experts in public health and other healthcare disciplines.
2. Attend world-class presentations on the topic of public and community health.
3. Renew old friendships with members of the Chiropractic Health Care section, which is now in its 23rd year!
Topics of include:
Arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions
Behavior modification, lifestyle changes, and self-care
Health promotion in the classroom, clinic, community, and the world
Injury prevention, physical activity, and promoting health across the lifespan
Inter-disciplinary approaches to public health for the musculoskeletal system
Public health and chiropractic care
This Call for Abstracts for the APHA-CHC scientific sessions requests papers that present: Original empirical work (e.g., scientific studies, program evaluations, or organizational case studies), or noteworthy advances in methodology or analysis; Innovative integrative scholarship and scientific work; Programmatic reports of significant research infrastructure development; Programmatic reports of health professions curricular development or educational research; Substantive policy analyses (e.g., systems-wide assessments or policy case-studies); Informative reports on program or project management and development; Other similarly noteworthy, innovative, or informative reports and studies.
An author’s paper may not have been presented or published prior to its presentation at the APHA Annual Meeting. All presenters must become Individual members of APHA and must register for the Annual Meeting to make their presentation. All presenters must provide, an abstract free of trade and/or commercial product names, at least one measurable single learning objective and a signed Conflict of Interest form with a relevant qualification statement.
Abstracts must be submitted electronically through this APHA website: